November 17, 2022
"Thanksgiving In The Unseen" - Charlton Sweazy
Speaker: Charlton Sweazy Series: Citywide Meetings Topic: Thanksgiving
November 10, 2022
Healthy Parenting Part 2: "Healthy Marriage is Essential" - Matthew Milioni
Speaker: Matthew Milioni Series: Family and Raising Children Topic: Child-rearing, Children, Marriage
November 3, 2022
Healthy Parenting Part 1: "Introduction" - Matthew Milioni
Speaker: Matthew Milioni Series: Family and Raising Children Topic: Parenting, Children, Child-rearing
October 27, 2022
"How Does Authority Work" Citywide - Matthew Milioni
Speaker: Matthew Milioni Series: Citywide Meetings Topic: Authority
October 21, 2022
Matthew 12:15-21 "Polarization"- Finny Kuruvilla
Speaker: Finny Kuruvilla Series: Book of Matthew Scripture: Matthew 12:15–21
September 29, 2022
"What Really Matters" Citywide - Matthew Milioni
Speaker: Matthew Milioni Series: Citywide Meetings
September 29, 2022
"Singleness" - A Panel Discussion
Speaker: Panel Discussion Series: City on a Hill Bible School 2022 Topic: Singleness
September 29, 2022
"Radical Discipleship" - David Anderson
Speaker: David Anderson Series: City on a Hill Bible School 2022 Topic: Discipleship
September 14, 2022
Introduction to Inductive Bible Study Part 2 - Finny Kuruvilla
Speaker: Finny Kuruvilla Series: City on a Hill Bible School 2022 Topic: Study
September 13, 2022
Introduction to Inductive Bible Study Part 1 - Finny Kuruvilla
Speaker: Finny Kuruvilla Series: City on a Hill Bible School 2022 Topic: Study
Old Testament
- Genesis11
- Exodus12
- Leviticus1
- Numbers37
- Deuteronomy11
- Joshua5
- Judges1
- Ruth1
- 1 Samuel29
- 2 Samuel5
- 1 Kings3
- 2 Kings2
- 1 Chronicles
- 2 Chronicles2
- Ezra
- Nehemiah
- Esther1
- Job1
- Psalms27
- Proverbs6
- Ecclesiastes
- Song of Solomon
- Isaiah11
- Jeremiah3
- Lamentations2
- Ezekiel2
- Daniel7
- Hosea
- Joel
- Amos2
- Obadiah
- Jonah
- Micah
- Nahum
- Habakkuk1
- Zephaniah
- Haggai
- Zechariah1
- Malachi
New Testament
- Matthew91
- Mark8
- Luke25
- John29
- Acts15
- Romans47
- 1 Corinthians33
- 2 Corinthians19
- Galatians14
- Ephesians31
- Philippians9
- Colossians14
- 1 Thessalonians5
- 2 Thessalonians4
- 1 Timothy7
- 2 Timothy4
- Titus5
- Philemon
- Hebrews20
- James14
- 1 Peter12
- 2 Peter2
- 1 John10
- 2 John
- 3 John1
- Jude3
- Revelation10
Primary Speakers
David Anderson
Yash Yasanka Chalasani
David Eicher
Paul Garber
Jeremy Horning
Zachary Johnson
Daniel Kenaston
Finny Kuruvilla
Yann Larrieu
Seth Mattson
Matthew Milioni
Seth Pontbriand
Charlton Sweazy
Jeff Todd
Ruben Walter
Earl Wenger
Panel Discussion
Guest Speakers
David Bercot
Rex Blevins Sr.
Steve Buxton
Vinny Degodoy
David Dodson
Tim Kuepfer
Austin Lapp
Brandon Loescher
Bryant Martin
Glenn Martin
Paul Miller
Tim Miller
Joseph Neill
Dwight Nisly
Shane O'Terry
Speaker Panel
Allen Roth
Pablo Yoder
Brother Jay
- Abiding1
- Abraham1
- Abundant life1
- Abuse1
- Allegience2
- Anger1
- Apostles1
- Apostolic church1
- Assumptions1
- Assurance8
- Atonement1
- Attitude1
- Authority2
- Baptism6
- Blood1
- Blood of Christ1
- Brethren2
- Calling1
- Child-rearing4
- Children5
- Christ2
- Christian Growth2
- Christian walk1
- Church13
- Church Leadership2
- Church planting1
- Colossians1
- Commandments1
- Commitment1
- Communication2
- Communion2
- Community4
- Compassion3
- Complacency1
- Conflict Resolution2
- Conscience1
- Consensus1
- Convictions2
- Courage2
- Courtship3
- Covenant2
- Creation1
- Culture2
- Dating3
- David1
- Deadness1
- Death1
- Dedication1
- Defiance1
- Delight1
- Demons1
- Denominations1
- Depression1
- Destruction1
- Devotion3
- Disciple-making8
- Discipleship17
- Division1
- Divorce8
- Emotion1
- Empowerment1
- Endurance1
- Enemies of faith2
- Entertainment1
- Entry1
- Equipped1
- Eternity2
- Eucharist2
- Evangelism20
- Exile1
- Expansion2
- Failure1
- Faith6
- Faithful obedience1
- Faithfulness4
- False prophets2
- Family3
- Family Worship1
- Fasting1
- Father2
- Fatherhood2
- Fear2
- Fear of the Lord1
- Fellowship1
- First Love1
- Following Jesus3
- Forgiveness5
- Friendship1
- Future2
- Gender1
- Generosity2
- Gentleness1
- God's blessing1
- God's glory2
- God's judgment1
- God's people1
- God's promises1
- God's will2
- God's word1
- Golden Rule1
- Gospel3
- Gospel of Jesus Christ1
- Grace3
- Gratitude1
- Headcovering7
- Headship5
- Healing1
- Hearing God3
- Heart3
- Heresy1
- Holiness2
- Holy Spirit5
- Homeschooling2
- Hope7
- Hospitality1
- Humility7
- Idolatry1
- Incarnation4
- Israel1
- Jesus11
- Jesus' birth1
- John the Baptist1
- Joy4
- Judgment3
- Kindness1
- King David1
- Kingdom3
- Legalism1
- Lessons from Urban Christianity4
- Liberty2
- Life12
- Lifeless1
- Light1
- Listening1
- Love8
- Love of enemies2
- Loving enemies1
- Lust2
- Man1
- Man's nature1
- Marriage12
- Meditation2
- Meekness1
- Mercy4
- Ministry2
- Modesty4
- Money1
- Moses or Jesus?1
- Motherhood1
- Mourn1
- Mystery1
- Nation1
- Necessity1
- Nonresistance2
- Oaths1
- Obedience6
- Offering1
- Old Covenant1
- Overcoming2
- Overcoming evil1
- Parenting7
- Passover1
- Paul1
- Peacemaking1
- Perfection3
- Persecution3
- Pilgrims1
- Pleasing God1
- Power9
- Power of God2
- Practical Evangelism6
- Praise1
- Prayer10
- Pressure1
- Pride2
- Profession1
- Promises1
- Prophecy3
- Prophet1
- Provision1
- Purity2
- Purpose1
- Racism2
- Rebuke1
- Redemption1
- Relationships4
- Remarriage8
- Repentance5
- Responsibility3
- Restoration3
- Resurrection1
- Righteousness4
- Royal Priesthood1
- Sabbath1
- Sacrifice4
- Salt and light1
- Salvation7
- Sectarianism1
- Seeking Jesus1
- Separation1
- Septuagint1
- Servanthood3
- Service3
- Seven churches in Asia4
- Shame1
- Sin7
- Singleness2
- Slave of Christ1
- Solomon1
- Sowing and Reaping1
- Spiritual Assessment6
- Spiritual gifts13
- Study2
- Surrender1
- Systems1
- Talents1
- Teachings of Jesus2
- Temple2
- Temptation1
- Testimony20
- Testing1
- Thanksgiving2
- The Church5
- The cross3
- The Gospel2
- The state1
- Time1
- Transition1
- Treasures2
- Trials8
- Trials and Temptations1
- Trust1
- Truth2
- Unity7
- Vanity1
- Victory7
- Virtue1
- Vocation1
- Voting2
- Warfare4
- Weakness2
- Wilderness1
- Wisdom1
- Woman4
- Word of God1
- Worry1
- Worship8
- Wrath1
- Zeal1